Dear fellow investors, friends, family and future self.
Welcome to my third portfolio update or the year 2022, I hope you enjoy them. I’ve decided to post updates at the end of the quarter, as things are not so interesting every single month. Now let’s get into things!
On the professional side, things are looking better: I got promoted! The company is still reorganizing and finding its path to being profitable again. I am hoping that it will succeed, as I have some RSUs that will get vested soon and I hope in their appreciation in value.
It’s been a quiet summer with a lot of sun, unexpected for this part of Europe, but also with forest wildfires. We made some more renovations in the house, arranged a little the garden (we planted a cherry tree!) and we finished the quarter with a vacation on the sunny Spanish coast, in Valencia and surroundings. I can definitively recommend a visit in Valencia!
That’s it from the personal side, let’s see how my investments performed:
My investment account was at 13436€, 304€ more than previous update, broken down in 980€ cash invested and 676€ loss due to assets depreciation. This quarter was quite bad, due to this stupid war in Russia and all the interest rates spike. Things are not looking good on the investment side, everybody fears a recession. I use Trade Republic as a broker and if you create an account using this link, we will both receive a bonus of 15€ after your first trade.
I had experienced investing into P2P lending with Mintos, but at the moment I am withdrawing until further notice. At the moment I have 450€ in the account. I have all of the money (450€) in recovery.
Finally, some numbers about our total net worth: it increased by about 1200€ compared to last quarter (savings + investments). The increase can be attributed to savings and the credit reimbursement, but it’s quite low in terms of expectations, but I can put it in the expenses with renovations and the holiday. I need to rebuild our savings first, before thinking of future investments. Also, probably this year I will be more conservative with investments and spending.